The Great Ponsonby Arthotel Gallery The Great Ponsonby Arthotel Gallery The Great Ponsonby Arthotel Gallery
© Images the Great Ponsonby Arthotel

the Great Ponsonby Arthotel

Come and stay at The Great Ponsonby Arthotel, a delightful small hotel providing bed and breakfast in central Auckland. Just a two minute stroll to Ponsonby’s vibrant cafés, restaurants, galleries, shops and nightlife or a short taxi ride to the harbour and city centre.

Beautifully decorated with original New Zealand and Pacific Island artworks, filled with books, magazines, music and persian rugs, you will feel at home and relaxed in our welcoming environment.

Set within a lovely garden alongside a park there are 11 rooms to choose from (either villa rooms, courtyard studios or spacious suites).

Airline Staff Discount: 20% discount off rack rates

How to book

Welcome Airline Staff to book through the secure form on our website. There is a ‘Comments’ section where you can make a note about Airline Staff Rate. We will change the rack rate to the discount rate on their booking and re-send the confirmation letter by email.On our secure website, allow you to choose the room you wish and send you confirmation at the same time. 

Please click on the link below or copy and paste it into your browser:
